Intuition (IN) picks

A: Insight into immediate future adds +10 DB.

A: Intuitions I  (5x / day)

A: Guess  (5x / day)

A: Intuitive grasp of situation yields extra +1 initiative bonus.

A: Character may designate any three non-base spell lists from the channeling realm and study them as he would an open list of his own realm*.

B: Detect Ambush 50' radius (3x / day), except not restricted to outdoors.

B: Awake ability, similar to the monk base spell.  Perception while sleeping only -20.  If meditating rather than sleeping, "Awake" may be set to tap Presence or Awareness spell ability.

B: Detailed insight into near future adds +20 DB (vacates analogous A-pick).

B: Intuitive grasp of situation yields extra +2 initiative bonus (vacates analogous A-pick).

B: Character may designate one non-base spell list from the channeling realm per point of IN over 100 and study them as he would an open list of his own realm*.  Vacates analogous A-pick.

C: Intuitive grasp of situation yields extra +3 initiative bonus (vacates analogous B or A-pick)

C: Intuitive reflex may cause character to flinch in the face of Death.  If character is neither unconscious nor fully asleep and is struck by a critical that mentions death explicitly (i.e. not merely implied by concussion hits), the character may roll open-ended adding 3 times his level to the roll.  A total of 200 or more indicates that the character may elect to instead take the critical found by sliding up the critical column to the closest critical that does not mention death.  If multiple criticals are inflicted simultaneously (i.e. same initiative impulse, either by multiple attacks or one attack with multiple criticals), this power is applied uniformly to all or none.  Both the temporary and permanent IN stats of the character drop by one (1) following the use of this Power to change a critical's outcome, plus temporary IN falls an additional four (4) at the end of the round, this second reduction lasting for the next 24 hours.

(*) The phrase "study them as he would an open list of his own realm" (in the A and B picks of Presence, Empathy, and Channeling) means that pick types, development cost and upper ceiling for learning the list become as though the list were an open list of the character's own realm.  The bonus stat for the roll of acquiring the list however remains as before (does not change to the character's native realm stat).