1Torch Hand (E) –   D: 1 min / lvl   R: S   Caster’s hand flickers with red-orange flame.  Touch will ignite, kindle, burn or scorch depending on the material contacted, but will not harm the caster and objects on his person.  If the caster makes an unarmed attack that results in a critical, there is a 50% chance that the target will also sustain an ‘A’ heat critical.  Caster’s hand must be bared and open when this spell is initiated.

2 – Warm (F) -  R: 10’  D: 24 hr after concentration ceases.   Up to 1 cu ft / lvl of any inanimate, nonmetal solid or liquid material can be warmed to a maximum temperature of 100F at the rate of 1 cu ft / rnd of concentration.  Material carried on someone’s person gets a RR to remain unaffected.  Material continues to maintain this warmth for 24 hours (or until effect is magically dispelled).

3 – Glaze (F) – R: 1’   D: P   Caster, starting with a small amount of a solid material held in his cupped hand, magically applies a uniform glaze of the material to a solid, inanimate object not more than 1’ across its longest dimension as though the glaze had been melted, applied and cooled.

4 – Wall of Fire (E) - D: 1 rnd / lvl   R: 100’   Creates a wall of orange-yellow flames (up to 10’x10’x6’).  Anyone passing through it takes an ‘A’ heat critical (no RR).

5 – Heat (F) – As Warm, except material is heated to some temperature up to 500F.  This is hot enough to kindle and eventually ignite many materials, though it should still be considered a “natural” temperature.

6 – Heatarmor (F) - R: 10’   D: 1 min/lvl   Target is protected from all naturally occurring heat.  Target gets an additional bonus of 20 on RR against heat or fire attacks and adds 20 to defense vs. elemental fire attacks.

7 – Fireball (E) – R: 100’   A brilliant, streaking orange ball is launched from the palm of the caster.  It explodes to affect a 10’R area; results are determined on the Fire Ball Table.

8 – Lesser Fireblade (E) – R: S   D: 1 rnd/lvl   A thirty-inch “blade” of intense orange flames and black smoke appears in the caster’s hand.  The blade is essentially a +10 magical melee weapon, requiring one hand to wield (fumble 01-02), striking on the broadsword table but substituting a heat critical for any indicated critical.  For the purposes of OB the caster can wield the blade as either “similar” to a broadsword (half ranks) or learn directed spell ranks in Lesser Blade (same skill applies to both Ice and Fire).  While Speed or Haste can enable up to two attacks per round, Strength magic or enhancers (e.g. herb, adrenal, exceptional) will not multiply the concussion damage.  If the blade is released, dropped, or in any way “fumbled,” the spell ends early and the blade collapses and disappears.

9 – Mass Ignition   (E)   D: P   R: 5’ / lvl   Every common implement of fire-based illumination within range (e.g. candle, torch, fireplace, lantern) becomes lit.  If implement is being held by a person, person’s RR may prevent ignition of that specific item.

10 – Fireball (E) – R: 300’   As Fireball, except range is 300’.

 11 – Circle Aflame (E) -  As Wall of Fire, except “wall” is 10’ high and forms a 10’R circle (6” thick) with the caster at the center.  The wall will not subsequently move with the caster.  A 22nd level caster can opt to spend 22 PP for a 12” thick wall that does ‘B’ criticals, at 33rd level an 18” wall doing ‘C’, etc.

 12 – Evaporation (E) –  D: P   R: 100’   Gradually evaporates 5000 cu ft / lvl of water into vapor or mists over the course of an hour.  If space is confined, a thick fog and/or heavy condensation may result, possibly returning quantities of water to the original location.

 13 – Rain of Fire (E) - D: 1 rnd / lvl   R: 20’   An arbitrary region up to the size of a cube 20’ on a side is suffused with orange flame and fiery ash.  Anyone passing through it during the round or remaining inside for the round takes an ‘A’ heat critical (no RR).  The region takes one complete round to coalesce and take effect.

 14 – Fire Armor (F) - R: 10’   D: 1 min/lvl   As Heatarmor, except it also decreases all concussion hits due to fire by a factor of ½, and decreases heat critical strikes by one level.

 15 – Greater Fireblade (E) – R: S   D: 1 rnd/lvl   As Lesser Fireblade, except as follows:  A fifty-inch pillar of blazing torchfire and smoke appears in the caster’s grasp.  The mighty magical force-blade is +30, requires two hands to wield (fumble 01-04), and strikes on the two-handed sword table, rolling any critical on the heat critical table.  For the purposes of OB the caster can wield the blade as either “similar” to a two-handed sword or learn directed spell ranks in Greater Blade (same skill applies to both Ice and Fire).

 16 – Long Fireball (E) – As Fireball above, except range is 30’ / lvl.

 17 – Mass Ignition True   (E*)   D: P   R: 5’ / lvl   As Mass Ignition, except cast is instantaneous and caster may choose which light sources ignite.

 18 – Immolation (F) -  D: 1 rnd / lvl   R: S   Caster is cloaked in swirling flames that radiate intense heat.  Caster and items on his person are immune to any natural heat as well as A, B, and C heat criticals; otherwise caster takes ¼ damage from magical heat and fire attacks and D or E criticals are treated as A or B respectively.  Caster suffers double damage from successful cold attacks.  Those who attempt to melee the caster (approaching within 5’) will take an ‘A’ heat critical by the end of the round.  Those struck by the caster in melee will sustain a ‘B’ heat critical.

 19 – Firestorm (E) – D: 1 rnd / lvl   R: 50’  As Rain of Fire, except region can be up to 50’ on a side, range is 50’, and a higher-level caster can opt to spend more PP to increase the intensity (38th level caster may expend 38 PP for ‘B’ criticals, etc.).

 20 – Bombardment (F) – As Fireball, except range is 100’ / lvl, ball is fired in a ballistic trajectory and penalty at any distance starts at –100.  Caster does not need direct line-of-sight to the target to attack it, but overhead clearance equal to the distance-to-target is a must.  As such, this spell is better suited for attacking areas with fire rather than specific targets, though the penalty for a specific target can be gradually reduced to –50 if there is a “forward observer” who can communicate targeting information back to the caster.

 25 – Waiting Hellrune (E) – As Firestorm, except spell is stored in a drawing embedded into stone during the cast, the spell effects are delayed by up to a month, and the effects are triggered by one of the following (decided by caster): time period, certain movements (10’ range), certain sounds (10’ range), touch, violent actions in the area (10’ range), etc.  Drawing (rune) cannot be obscured by ordinary means, as it will either burn or shine through most materials trying to cover it.  Nature of the rune and its trigger mechanism can be interpreted with a successful Runes skill check should it be noticed before it is triggered.  An unsuccessful attempt to Dispel a hellrune will generally detonate it.  A higher-level caster can opt to spend more PP to increase the intensity of the rune’s resulting Firestorm (50th level caster may expend 50 PP for a ‘B’ critical firestorm, etc.).

 30 – Flamethrower (E) – D: 1 rnd / lvl (C)   R: 200’   Caster extends arm to project a hurricane-force jet of heat, flame, and burning coals 5’ across at the origin and 20’ across at the 200’ range.  Exposed targets in the attacked region (determined by RR) take 2d10 points concussion damage from the impact of coals and debris plus an ‘A’ heat critical.  A level 60 caster can opt to spend 50 PP for a 4d10-points concussion ‘B’ critical attack spell, lvl 90 can do 6d10-pts ‘C’ attack, etc.

Alternately, concussion damage from Flamethrower can take armor into account by using a sling +60 attack to determine hits, using only the inherent magical/quality of armor as a mitigator.  Roll two sling attacks to determine concussion from a level 50 Flamethrower, et cetera.  Note that Flamethrower bears some similarity to the Wind Law Hard Wind spell.


Heatarmor is not cumulative with arcane Fire Armor, Cold Armor, Ice Armor nor any other spell from essence’s Elemental Shields.